Port Hedland WA
Cooke Point is one of a number of sites to be considered for the construction of a public marina in Port Hedland. The proposed development included dredging an entrance channel to the marina, land reclamation and construction of breakwaters, jetties, boat pens and other piled structures.
CMW carried out a feasibility geotechnical investigation for the Cooke Point area
- 18 test pits across the proposed onshore portion of the site and along the shoreline
- Nearshore geophysics survey including 12.9km of sub bottom profiling and 2.6km of Seismic Refraction;
- 76 Jet Probes into the sea bed, within the proposed dredge pocket, to measure the thickness of surficial marine sediments;
- Five hand auger boreholes, four of which were also used for insitu permeability testing;
- Perth Sand Penetrometer testing adjacent to all boreholes and test pits;
- Soil and rock laboratory testing;
Investigation and reporting were all completed within the required timeframes.
The experience of CMW senior staff with Port Hedland port works added significant value to the feasibility level site investigation. Preliminary advice for piling, dredge conditions and dredge slope angles were provided on the basis of what has previously been achieved in comparable geological units near the site. The informed basis of our advice improved our clients cost estimates and understanding of the project risk.

Photo of Seabed Taken During Jet Probes

Site Photo during Test Pit Works

Inferred Geological Model over Portion of the Site from Testpits, Jet Probes and Geophysics