Geo Data Management

Collection, processing and presentation of Geo Data.

The key purpose of geotechnical and geological investigations is to facilitate the development of a reliable ground model.  The model must be presented and accessible in a way that enables designers, constructors and project management teams to readily identify, assess and manage geotechnical risks.  In order to achieve these essential outcomes, it is necessary to have a system that efficiently collects, processes, summarises and reproduces relevant geo data from a number of different sources.      

Typically, the first issue addressed in an investigation is a desk top study.  This involves sourcing and review of any available relevant information such as geological maps, aerial photographs, previous local geotechnical investigation reports and relevant local experience.  Additional data, subsequently obtained directly from, for example, project specific investigation, monitoring and additional research, needs to be processed and added to the project database as it becomes available.

Critical issues such as compatibility and accessibility of data, ease of access and efficient means of preparing drawings, sections and 3D models are all fundamental to the process.  CMW has sophisticated geological logging, mapping and 3D modelling software, including HoleBASE that is available through our close associations with Keynetix, that enables optimised collation of data and development of relevant ground models.  In particular, our combined CAD and HoleBASE process facilitates quick and efficient production of logs, plans, sections and 3D ground model images that can also incorporate the proposed project construction details. 

The CWM team has significant experience in the collation, processing and presentation of project specific geo data and relevant ground models.  This capability, in combination with our association with Keynetix, means we can efficiently and effectively help project teams identify and resolve project geotechnical risks associated with construction works, existing structures and infrastructure developments.      

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