Perth Office Training Day

CMW News

At CMW, we believe that training our staff is imperative to delivering detailed, concise reports and information to our clients.

Last Friday, one of our Senior Principal Engineering Geologists, Matthew Tutton, led a group of staff from the Perth office through a training day at the historic Boya Quarry.

The training was aimed at developing rock logging and investigative skills, such as:

  • Conducting geotechnical investigations in accordance with AS1726:2017;
  • The importance of general site walkovers;
  • Recognising changes in geology using key indicators;
  • Understanding geomorphological processes;
  • Correctly recognising and logging rock defects;
  • Developing site plans and cross-sections; and
  • Correct use of geological equipment.

We encourage our staff to undertake training as a component of their continuous professional development. Thank you for the field day Matthew!

Category: CMW News

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